How do I view New Analytics in a course as an instructor?

New Analytics data is pulled from Canvas Data 2 (CD2)/Data Access Platform (DAP). All data will be migrated to CD2/DAP by the end of September 2024. You can migrate your data to CD2/DAP before then by contacting your administrator.

You can view analytics in both active and concluded courses. Only active and completed student enrollments are included in data for New Analytics. Deleted or inactive user enrollments will not generate data.

Available analytics include course grade, weekly online activity, and communication. By default, the analytics page displays an interactive chart graph of all data. However, you can view data within a table at any time. Student analytics show you how well a particular student is doing in your course.

Learn more about New Analytics.


  • If you cannot view the New Analytics link in Course Navigation, you may have to make the link visible via the Navigation tab in Course Settings. If the New Analytics link is not available in the Navigation tab, your institution has disabled this feature.
  • Data is refreshed in New Analytics every 8 hours. Please confirm the time data was last updated in the course, as content may be outdated compared to recent course activity and student submissions.
  • In order for New Analytics to display in Canvas, third-party cookies may need to be enabled in your browser settings.
  • Because mobile page view data is based on device settings and network connection, it may vary from the time the page views actually occurred. Page view data should not be used to assess academic integrity.
  • Weekly Online Activity displays in a Monday-Sunday format.

Open Course

Open Course

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].

Open New Analytics

To open New Analytics, click the New Analytics link in Course Navigation [1] or click the New Analytics button in the Course Home Page [2].

Note: If you cannot view the New Analytics link, you may have to make the link visible via the Navigation tab in Course Settings.

View Data Status

If the course has been concluded, the analytics page includes a Concluded label.

Open Course Grade Analytics

Click the Course Grade tab [1].

You can view the overall average course grade [2], grades on assignments, discussions, and quizzes [3], or compare the average course grades to sections, students, or assignments [4]

Learn more about viewing course grade analytics through an interactive chart and data table.

View Weekly Online Activity Graph

To view the student's weekly online activity, click the Weekly Online Activity tab [1].

Data is displayed as a chart with two rows: average page views [2] and average participations [3]. The following actions will generate participations:

  • Announcements: posts a new comment to an announcement
  • Assignments: submits an assignment
  • Collaborations: loads a collaboration to view/edit a document
  • Conferences: joins a web conference
  • Discussions: posts a new comment to a discussion
  • Pages: creates a page
  • Quizzes: submits a quiz
  • Quizzes: starts taking a quiz

Data for the week that is currently in progress is indicated by a dotted line [4].

To download a CSV of the weekly online activity data, click the Download button [5].


  • The definition of participation is based on federal guidelines related to student attendance as applicable to online courses. Please note that because communication between students and teachers often happens outside of the LMS, it is not included as a participation metric. However, as part of the Course Analytics offering, a history of inbox messages sent between students and instructors is included so that it can be viewed alongside participation metrics.
  • Student participation data using external tools is not supported.

View Weekly Online Activity Data Table

To view weekly online activity in a table, click the Options icon [1] and select the Data Table option [2]. The data table shows the week start date [3], number of page views [4], and number of participations [5].

View Student Analytics

To view analytics for all students in your course, click the Students tab [1].

To view analytics for one student in your course, click the name of the student [2].

To locate a student, you can sort the table by student name [3], or any other column header [4].

The analytics table is paginated so you can view more students if you continue to scroll to the bottom of the page.

Learn more about viewing individual student analytics.

View Reports

To view and run reports in your course, click the Reports tab [1].

To view Report settings, click the Settings button [2].

Missing Assignments [3]: This report will produce a list of assignments that have not been submitted yet.

Late Assignments [4]: This report will produce a list of assignments that have been submitted late.

Excused Assignments [5]: This report will produce a list of assignments that are excused.

Class Roster [6]: This report will produce a list of students enrolled in the course with student contact information such as email, SIS ID, etc. Report data is up to 40 hours delayed.

Course Activity [7]: This report provides a list of daily user interactions in course resources, where each report entry captures a summary of user views and participations. Report data are up to 40 hours delayed, account time zone is applied to facilitate daily views and participation aggregates. Calendar filter only accommodates for 14 days in the past.

To run a report, click the Run Report button [8].

View Online Attendance Report

If enabled by your institution, you can also view an Online Attendance report that indicates if students have met online attendance criteria for designated class days. Online attendance criteria is managed by your institution.