How do I add a nested message to a message in the Impact Dashboard?

You can use the Impact Dashboard to add a nested message to a message to view in your Learning Management System.

Note: For more information on nested messages, visit What are nested messages?

Open Messages

In Global Navigation, click the Messages link.

Open New Message

Click the New Message button.

Create Message

Create Message

Create the initial message that will display the desired nested message.

Note: Nested messages need to be Systray Messages or Pop-up Messages.

Highlight Text for Nested Message

Highlight Text for Nested Message

Select the text you want to attach with the nested message.

Insert Nested Message

Click the Rich Edit Mode toggle [1] to enable the Rich Content Editor.

Click the Insert button [2] and then click the Insert Message button [3].

Select Nested Message

Select Nested Message

Select the message to link to the existing message [1]. Then click the Continue button [2].

Note: Nested Messages need to be created in the Impact Dashboard prior to the message it will be inserted in as this function only allows you to populate pre-existing messages. For more information on creating messages from the Impact Dashboard, visit How do I create a message from the Impact Dashboard?

View Preview

Preview the Link Title and Message preview. Then click the Continue button.

Edit Message Settings

Edit Message Settings

In the sidebar of the create message page, select your message settings.


  • Nested messages do not require a context to be connected to them but they must be assigned to the same user group as the original message and published to function correctly.
  • If the nested message has a context connected that does not match the page where the original message is placed, it will appear on the page where the original message is placed.

Publish Your Message

Click the Publish button.