How do I view the Canvas Studio tool adoption report in the Impact Dashboard?
The Tool Adoption Report is used to analyze usage data across your entire institution at a glance. You can view the tool adoption report to view Canvas Studio usage.
Open Insights

In Global Navigation, click the Insights link [1]. Then, click the Impact Insights link [2].
Filter Tool Adoption Data
The data presented in the Tool Adoption Report can be filtered using the global filter bar at the top of the page. In addition, the way in which the data is visualized can be controlled using the presentation options in the filter bar.
To view data for Canvas Studio usage, click the Reporting Template drop-down menu and select the Integrated Tools option [1].
To filter the adoption data by role category, click the User category drop-down menu [2].
To filter by user role, click the User group drop-down menu [3].
To modify the Start Date [4] or End Date [5], click the Calendar icon. By default, the date range is set to a Start Date of three months before the current date and an End Date of today.
To apply filters, click the Apply button [6].
View Canvas Studio Adoption Data
The Integrated Tools Adoption Report displays [1].
To view the Canvas Studio adoption report, click the Studio option [2].
View Data by Reporting Template
To view data by a specific Canvas Studio reporting template, click the reporting template name.
Note: All individual monitors have been added to a monitor category within a reporting template. The corresponding monitor categories are displayed both in the presentation of the data and the tool adoption rates rather than the individual monitors. To understand which monitors are generating the data, you can visit your reporting template.