How do I create or edit a Support Center category in the Impact Dashboard?
With Impact, you can create support articles for your support center with your learning application. You can use support center categories to organize your articles for efficiency and structure.
Open Support

In Global Navigation, click the Support link.
Create Category
To create a Support Center category, click the Create Category link [1].
To edit an existing support center category, locate the category. Then click the Options icon [2] and click the Edit Category link [3].
Add Category Details

In the Create Category window, you can add category details.
Enter a name for the category in the Name field [1]. To specify a language other than your account language, click the Language drop-down menu [2].
Enter a subtitle in the Subtitle field [3].
Enter a suggestions title in the Suggestions title field [4].
To specify the way options are presented in the support center, click the Child option presentation drop-down menu [5]. You can select buttons or drop-downs.
To manage which users your category is targeting, click the Assigned to drop-down menu [6]. You can target your category to any specific user, user group, or previously created campaign.
To define where in your learning application the category links, click the Connected Context drop-down menu [7]. Contexts can be specific pages or specific elements on pages. You can connect your category to multiple contexts.
To save the category and not publish it, click the Save as Draft button [8].
To publish the category, click the Publish button [9].
Edit Category Details

You can edit the category details: category name [1], language [2], subtitle [3], suggestions title [4], child option presentation [5], assigned to [6], and connected context [7].
To delete the category, click the Delete Category link [8].
To update the category, click the Update button [9].