How do I edit existing messages, support articles, or monitors in the Impact Inline Content Library?

You can edit a message, article, or monitor from your learning application using the Impact Inline Content Library.

00:00:How do I edit existing messages support articles or monitors 00:04:in the impact inline Content Library? 00:08:To open the inline editor. Click the impact icon. 00:12:Then click the Content Library icon. 00:15:To edit existing messages support articles and monitors. 00:18:Click either the messages support articles or monitors 00:23:tab 00:25:To search for a message or support article enter Search terms in the search 00:29:field. Click the help item to view a preview. 00:33:You can edit the title and description. 00:36:To review the current placements of the item click the preview icon to 00:40:remove incorrect or relevant placements. 00:42:Click the delete icon. 00:45:Edit the Audience by adding and or removing user groups. 00:49:Edit the scheduled visibility of the item by entering the first and or last active 00:53:day if left empty the item will be available indefinitely. 00:58:For a message edit the size by changing the width and height. 01:03:To collect feedback click the collect feedback toggle 01:07:Once you are done editing click the save button. 01:10:If you would like to remove the item click the delete button. 01:15:You can edit the name and notes. 01:18:To review or edit the screenshot click the view screenshot link. 01:23:Once you are done editing click the save button. 01:26:If you would like to remove the item click the delete button. 01:31:This guide covers how to edit existing messages support articles 01:35:or monitors in the impact inline Content Library.

Open Inline Content Library

Open Inline Content Library

To open the Inline Editor, click the Impact icon [1] and then click the Content Library icon [2].

View Content Library

View Content Library

To edit existing messages, support articles, and monitors, click either the Messages, Support Articles, or Monitors tab.

Search Message Content Library

Search Content Library

To search for a message, click the Messages tab [1]. Then enter search terms in the Search field [2]. Click the help item to view a preview [3].

Search Support Articles Content Library

Search Content Library

To search for a support articles, click the Support Articles tab [1]. Then enter search terms in the Search field [2]. Click the help item to view a preview [3].

Edit Message or Support Article

Edit Message or Support Article

You can edit the title [1] and description [2].

To review the current placements of the item, click the Preview icon [3].To remove incorrect or irrelevant placements, click the Delete icon [4].

Edit the audience by adding and/or removing user groups [5].

Edit the scheduled visibility of the item by entering the first and/or last active day [6]. If left empty, the item will be available indefinitely.

For a message, edit the size by changing the width and height [7].

To collect feedback, click the Collect feedback toggle [8].

Once you are done editing, click the Save button [9].

If you would like to remove the item, click the Delete button [10].

Edit Monitor

Edit Monitor

You can edit the name [1] and notes [2].

To review or edit the screenshot, click the View screenshot link [3].

Once you are done editing, click the Save button [4].

If you would like to remove the item, click the Delete button [5].