What are Reporting Templates in the Impact Dashboard?

Impact user activity data is gathered using hundreds of out-of-the-box and custom created data monitors. Each monitor is responsible for registering a single user action (e.g. clicking a submit button or visiting a discussion board). In order to visualize the immense amount of data from these monitors in a single consolidated report, monitors are categorized into reporting templates.

Where are reporting templates used?

There are several reports in the Impact dashboard that use reporting templates to collate data from a multitude of monitors:

  • The Tool Adoption Report
  • The Course Activity Report
  • Campaigns

Although these reports are structured differently, the way in which reporting templates function within them is generally the same. Below are the different ways in which (parts of) reporting templates are implemented across these reports.

Tool Adoption Reports

The Tool Adoption Report contains a chart based on a reporting template. The Tool Adoption Report is used to analyze usage data across your entire institution at a glance and allows you to group monitoring data together with the help of Reporting Templates. These provide a hierarchical structure to roll up the detailed data derived from many individual monitors into manageable categories. Two or more monitors inside one category lead to the accumulation of data.

To view the Tool Adoption Report, click the Insights link [1]. Then, click the Impact Insights link [2]. The Adoption tab [3] displays by default to show the Tool adoption report.

For more information on the Tool Adoption Report, visit How do I view the Tool Adoption Report in the Impact Dashboard?

Note: All individual monitors have been added to a monitor category within a reporting template. The corresponding monitor categories are displayed both in the presentation of the data and the tool adoption rates rather than the individual monitors. To understand which monitors are generating the data, you can visit your reporting template.

Course Activity Report

The Course Activity Report contains a chart based on a reporting template and compares the usage of specific tools for courses based on your search criteria. The reporting template in the Course Activity Report displays all first-level Monitor Categories belonging to the selected reporting template, including a consolidated adoption percentage. The adoption percentage is the percentage of active users who triggered at least one monitor within each category. The connected graph presents the adoption level over time for each of these categories.

To view the Course Activity Report, click the Insights link [1] and click the Impact Insights link [2].  Then, click the Canvas course activity tab [3].

For more information on the Course Activity Report, visit How do I view the Course Activity Report in the Impact Dashboard?

Monitor Categories in Campaigns

Campaigns allow you to combine deploy messages and support content to a specific target audience and measure the resulting impact on user activity. In order to focus on the campaign's desired outcome metrics, you can assign any combination of Monitor Categories to a campaign. The selected Monitor Categories feed into the overall adoption score that is presented on the Campaign Details page.

Note: Monitors cannot be added to Campaigns, they must be housed inside a category within a reporting template.

For more information on Campaigns, visit How do I view campaign results in the Impact Dashboard?.