Where do I find all of my activity monitors in the Impact Dashboard?

Activity monitors allow you to overview custom-created monitors.

Where do I find all of my activity monitors in the Impact Dashboard?

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Where do I find all of my activity monitors in the Impact Dashboard?

1. Open Impact Insights

In the Global Navigation, click the Insights dropdown menu. Then click the Impact Insights link.
Open Impact Insights

2. Open Data Management

Click the Configuration dropdown menu. Then click the Data Management link.
Open Data Management

3. View Activity Monitor Overview

By default, monitors are listed with their name, creator, by whom and when the monitor was last triggered, when the monitor was first triggered, and the total number of triggers.
View Activity Monitor Overview

4. Search Monitors

To search for specific monitors, enter a term in the Search field.
Search Monitors

5. Filter Monitors

To search based on a combination of criteria, click the Filters drop-down menu.
Filter Monitors

6. Monitor Fields

To show or hide certain fields, click the Fields drop-down menu.
Monitor Fields
This guide covered the steps to find all of my activity monitors in the Impact Dashboard. Open in App