How do I install the Impact integration in the Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience?
You can configure the Impact integration in the Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience. Please submit a ticket to or through the Impact Support button on your Impact dashboard to obtain a unique application/client ID to configure the application
Note: Currently there is a two-part integration that requires the installation and configuration of the Impact Building Block.
Open LTI Tool Providers
In the Integrations section [1], click the LTI Tool Providers link [2].
Open Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool
Click the Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool link.
Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool
In the Client ID field [1], enter your Application/Client ID. Click the Submit button [2].
An alert will display if the 1.1 LTI is already installed. Click OK to continue.
Fields will auto-populate. Set Tool Status [1] to Approved. Then click the Submit button [2]
Manage Placements
Locate the existing LTI Provider added for Impact UEF version 1.3 [1] and click the Manage Placements link [2].
Create Placement
Click the Create Placement link.
Enter Placement Information
For the placement you'll need the following information:
- Label [1] and Handle [2]: Impact-UEF-1.3
- Availability [3]: Yes
- Type [4]: Ultra Extension
- Target Link URI [5]: your specific provider's URL (e.g.
Click the Submit button [6].
Rest API Integrations
Open REST API Integrations
In the Admin Panel, in the Integrations section, click the REST API Integrations link.
Create Integration
Click the Create Integration link.
Note: If upgrading, locate the existing Impact UEF 1.1 placement, and click Make Unavailable.
Create Configuration
Note: Create Configuration is not required if upgrading from 1.1.
In the Integrations section [1], click the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing link [2].
Click the Create Configuration link.
For the General Information you'll need the following information:
- Origin [1]: e.g. https:??
- Availability [2]: Yes
Click the Submit button [3].