How do I edit a Walkthrough in the Impact Inline Editor?
You can edit existing walkthroughs in the Impact Inline Editor. Walkthroughs consist of multiple steps that may span multiple pages.
Open Walkthroughs

To open Walkthroughs, click the Impact icon [1] and then click the Walkthrough icon [2].
Open Walkthrough

To edit an existing walkthrough, click the name of the walkthrough.
Edit Walkthrough

To edit the walkthrough, click the Edit button.
Edit Walkthrough Steps

To edit or delete a step, click the Step drop-down menu [1].
To edit the step, click the Edit link [2]. To delete the step, click the Delete link [3]. To move the step, click the Move link [4].
To add an additional step, click the Add another step button [5].
Edit Walkthrough Settings

In the Settings tab, you can edit different settings [1].
In the Manage Translations section, click the Translations drop-down menu [2].
Use the Title field [3], to update the name of the walkthrough.
To update the description, click on the Description field. [4]
To immediately begin the Walkthrough when a user opens the page, click the Triggers section [5].
To update the schedule message visibility, click the Schedule Visibility section [6].
To collect feedback from the Walkthrough, click the Advanced Settings section [7].
Save Walkthrough

To unpublish your walkthrough and save your current changes, click the Save & Unpublished button [1].
To save your walkthrough, click the Save and proceed button [2].
Update Walkthrough

To publish your walkthrough changes, click the Update button.