How do I add events to a campaign in the Impact Dashboard?

You can add events to a campaign to gauge the effectiveness of your communication efforts.

Open Campaigns

In Global Navigation, click the Campaigns link [1].

In the All Campaigns tab [2], click the campaign you wish to analyze [3].

View Average Tool Adoption

Scroll down to the Outcomes section and click the View More link in the Average Tool Adoption section.

Add Event

On the Tool Adoption page, scroll down to the event overview and click the Create New button.

Enter Event Details

Enter a title, start date, and detailed information for the event. Click the Create Event button.

View Event Details

The newly created event is now listed in the Event Overview.

Click the event to place a reference marker in the Tool Adoption chart allowing you to observe how the adoption level changes after the event took place.

You can add as many additional events as needed. Any intervention, communication effort, or date relevant to the campaign can be logged as an event.