How do I enable the Impact Support Center?
You can enable the Support button in Blackboard Learn, Canvas, and Moodle.
Note: For more information on Support Center visibility, visit How do I manage Impact Support button visibility?
Blackboard Learn Original
Once the Impact Building Blocks is installed in your LMS environment, you can enable the Impact Support button.
Log into Learn as an administrator and navigate to System Admin → Building Blocks → Installed Tools.
Locate the Impact Connector and click the Settings option.

If you want to make the Impact Support Center available to ALL users, click the Support tab checkbox.
If you would like to make the Support Center visible for specific user roles only, you can add one or more roles, separated with a comma, in this field.
Note: To make the Support Center visible for specific user roles, you must uncheck the Support tab checkbox.
Blackboard Learn Ultra
If you have installed the Impact LTI/REST Integration for Blackboard Learn Ultra and the Support Center is not enabled, please submit a ticket to requesting this feature to be enabled.
Instructure Canvas
If you are not using the theme editor, please see the Impact Support button visibility to edit your support center visibility. If you are unsure of your Impact configuration, please submit a ticket to or contact your implementation team.