How do I create feature permission groups in the Impact Dashboard?

With Impact by Instructure, you can create custom feature permission groups based on the needs of your institution. Once you invite users to your dashboard, you can use feature permission groups to organize your user roles, institutional hierarchies, or sub-accounts.

Open Users and Permissions

Open Users and Permissions

In your Impact dashboard, click the Admin link [1]. Then click the Users & Permissions link [2].

Open Feature Permissions

Open Feature Permissions

Click the Feature Permission tab.

View Feature Permissions

You can view all of your feature permission groups. Your Impact dashboard has some out-of-the-box groups such as Administrator and Support Manager but you can also create your own custom groups.

To create a feature permission group, click the Create Group button.

Create Permissions Group

Create Permissions Group

To create a custom feature permission group, enter a name [1] and select an owner [2].

You can switch between Campaigns, Messages, Support, Insights, and Settings permissions [3]. To customize the permissions more, you can select specific functions of the feature category.

View Campaigns
Create/Edit Campaigns

View Messages
Create/Edit Messages
View Messages Insights

View Walkthroughs
Create/Edit Walkthroughs
View Walkthroughs Insights

Articles (View Articles, Create/Edit Articles, View Articles Insights, Arrange Articles)

User Activity
Tool Adoption
Course Activity
My Reports
Users vs Monitors
User Trend
Monitor Trend

Activity Monitors (View Activity Monitors, Create/Edit Activity Monitors)
Reporting Templates (View Reporting Templates, Create/Edit Reporting Templates)
Contexts (View Contexts, Create/Edit Contexts)
User Groups (View User Groups, Create/Edit User Groups)
LTI Tools (View LTI Tools, Create/Edit LTI Tools)
Custom User Groups (View Custom User Groups, Create/Edit Custom User Groups)
View/Edit Tool Categories
View System Status
Edit Team & Permissions

Once you have finished creating a feature permission group, click the Create Group button [4].

View Permission Group

View your custom permission group with the configurations and access levels of the feature permissions group [1].

To see more details, click the arrow next to each feature [2].

View Permission Icons

View Permission Icons

The icons next to each category represent the access status.