What Impact Insights are visible to each sub-account?

User Activity, Tool Adoption, Canvas Course Activity, and My Reports are all visible within sub-accounts. Each report is, however, limited to the sub-account that it is assigned to.

Note: This feature is only available to Canvas customers.

User Activity

The User Activity Report analyzes how much time students and instructors spend using Impact and how they affect the load on the system.

Within sub-accounts, User Groups are limited to the sub-accounts and child sub-accounts selected.

Tool Adoption

The Tool Adoption Report is used to analyze usage data across your entire institution at a glance.

Within sub-accounts, User Groups are limited to the sub-accounts and child sub-accounts selected.

Course Activity

The Course Activity Report compares the usage of specific tools for courses based on your search criteria.

Only courses under the sub-account display are visible.

My Reports

My Reports allows you to create reports within User Groups Vs. Monitors, Monitor Trends, User Trends, and Champions.

User Groups are limited to the sub-accounts and child sub-accounts selected.