How do I view and manage LTI Tools?

You can view and manage LTI grouping to improve LTI data accuracy.

Open LTI Tools

Open LTI Tools

In Global Navigation, click the Settings icon [1]. Then hover over the Settings menu [2] and click the LTI Tools icon [3].

View LTI Tool Groups

Ungrouped LTI Tools are listed in the Ungrouped LTI Tools drop-down [1].

Grouped LTI Tools are listed in the Grouped LTI Tools section [2] by the group name [3].

View LTI Tools by Group

To view the LTI Tools in a group, click the desired Grouped LTI Tools drop-down menu.

Manage LTI Tool Groups

Add LTI Tools to an LTI Group

Select the LTI Tool(s) to move to a group [1]. Then click the Group Selected Tools drop-down menu [2]. You can then search for the desired group [3] or select the group from the list [4].

Move/Remove LTI Tools from an LTI Group

Select the LTI Tool(s) to move/remove from a group [1]. Then click the Edit Selected Tools drop-down menu [2]. You can then search for a new group to move the LTI Tool [3] or select the group from the list [4].

To delete the entire group, click the Delete group association button [5].

Note: After deleting a group, the LTI Tools are still visible in the Ungrouped LTI Tools drop-down section.