How do I view the Tool Adoption Report in the Impact Dashboard?

The Tool Adoption Report is used to analyze usage data across your entire institution at a glance.

Open Insights

In Global Navigation, click the Insights link.

Open Tool Adoption Report

Click the Tool Adoption link.

View Tool Adoption Data

The Tool Adoption Report allows you to group monitoring data together with the help of Reporting Templates. These provide a hierarchical structure to roll up the detailed data derived from many individual monitors into manageable categories.

The adoption level is calculated based on the number of unique active users that have logged in to the learning application over the selected time period and how many of them have triggered at least one monitor that lives underneath each monitor category or one of its child categories.

For example, 1000 unique users have logged into the system over the selected period. Across the three sub-categories that live under the Calendar monitor category, 750 unique users have triggered at least one of the underlying monitors. This means that the adoption level for Calendar is 75%.

Note: All individual monitors have been added to a monitor category within a reporting template. The corresponding monitor categories are displayed both in the presentation of the data and the tool adoption rates rather than the individual monitors. To understand which monitors are generating the data, you can visit your reporting template.

Filter Data

The data presented in the Tool Adoption Report can be filtered using the global filter bar at the top of the page. In addition, the way in which the data is visualized can be controlled using the presentation options in the filter bar.

To determine the structure shown in the chart and monitor category breakdown, click the Reporting Template drop-down menu and select the template you want to use [1].

To limit the adoption data to users who belong to the selected, click the User category drop-down menu [2].

To filter on users belonging to individual roles and groupings that were registered from the learning application, click the User group drop-down menu [3].

To modify the Start Date [4] or End Date [5], click the Calendar icon. By default, the date range is set to a Start Date of three months before the current date and an End Date of today.

To apply filters, click the Apply button [6].

To determine how the chart data is scaled and whether the adoption level for each monitor category is expressed in percentages or actual numbers, click the Presentation drop-down menu [7].

To toggle between Trend Line and Cumulative chart presentation, click the Graph Type button [8]. With Trend Line enabled, the chart shows separate adoption levels for each unit of time. When set to the Cumulative Graph Type, the chart presents the growth curve of adoption from the first unit of time to the last unit of time.