What data is available in Course Readiness?
What data is available in Course Readiness?
What data is available in Course Readiness?
1. Course Readiness
In Course Readiness, admins can access the progress of course preparation, ensuring alignment with institutional standards and requirements.

2. Readiness
The Readiness tile displays a course count for the number of courses ready and not ready based on the criteria selected.

3. Click Tile Options
To view the Readiness in expanded or full screen, click the Tile Options icon.

4. View Expanded or Full Screen
Then click the View dropdown link and select Expanded or Full Screen.

5. Criteria
The Criteria tile displays a course count for the number of courses that meet and do not meet based on the criteria selected.

6. Click Tile Options
To view the Criteria in expanded or full screen, click the Tile Options icon.

7. View Expanded or Full Screen
Then click the View dropdown link and select Expanded or Full Screen.

8. Courses in Need of Attention
The Courses table displays the courses that need attention based on the criteria set with their status, number of criteria not met, course name, SIS ID, Teacher(s), Email(s), number of enrolled students, and Start At date

9. Courses By Readiness Displayed
To display ready or not ready courses, click the Courses by Readiness dropdown menu and select Ready or Not Ready.

This guide covered what data is available in Course Readiness.