What is LTI Usage?
What is LTI Usage?
What is LTI Usage?
1. LTI Usage
In LTI Usage, you can access meaningful and personalized data and analytics on LTI usage inside of Canvas. This provides admins with the ability to better understand where, when, by whom and how often LTIs are used within Canvas.

2. Total Launches
The Total Launches tile displays the number of launches. Launches are defined as users clicking on an LTI tool inside of Canvas. The count includes all launches regardless of registration, version, installation location, placement, or launch point.

3. Unique Users
The Unique Users tile represents the number of specific individuals who have launched an LTI tool. If a user launches an LTI tool five times, that counts as one unique user.

4. Sub-Accounts
The Sub-Accounts Tile displays the sub-accounts with or without launches using the dropdown menu. Sub-Accounts with launches show the number of sub-accounts with at least one launch of the specified LTI tool(s). Sub-Accounts without launches shows the number of sub-accounts with no launches of the specified LTI tool(s).

5. Courses
The Courses tile displays the number of courses with or without launches using the dropdown menu. Course with launches shows the number of courses with at least one launch of the specified LTI tool(s). Courses without launches show the number of courses with no launches of the specified LTI tool(s).

6. Champions
The Champions tile lists the five Sub-Accounts, Courses, and Instructors with the most LTI launches.

7. Installed Tools
The Installed Tools table displays the installed LTI tools along with their number of total launches, unique users, sub-accounts, and courses.

8. Search Installed Tools
To search for individual LTI tools, use the Search by LTI Tool name field.

9. LTI Tool Launches Over Time
The LTI Tool Launches Over Time chart shows the number of LTI Tool launches (y-axis) for the five least-launched LTI tools over the past six months (x-axis).

10. Unique Users of LTI Tools Over Time
The Unique Users of LTI Tools Over Time chart shows the number of unique users (y-axis) for the five least-launched LTI tools over the past six months (x-axis).

This guide covered what LTI Usage is.