How do I export the results in LTI Usage?

How do I export the results in LTI Usage?

How do I export the results in LTI Usage?

1. Open LTI Usage

Navigate to your LTI Usage dashboard.
Open LTI Usage

2. Export Installed Tools List

To export a list of installed LTI tools, click the Export as CSV button.
Export Installed Tools List

3. Open Unique Users of Individual Tools

To export the unique users list for individual tools, click the tool's Unique Users number link.
Open Unique Users of Individual Tools

4. Export Unique Users of Individual Tools

To export the list of unique users, click the Export as CSV button.
Export Unique Users of Individual Tools

5. Open Sub-Accounts of Individual Tools

To export the sub-account users list for individual tools, click the tool's Sub-Accounts number link.
Open Sub-Accounts of Individual Tools

6. Export Sub-Account Usage of Individual Tools

To export the list of sub-account users, click the Export as CSV button.
Export Sub-Account Usage of Individual Tools

7. Open Course Usage of Individual Tools

To export the course usage list for individual tools, click the tool's Courses number link.
Open Course Usage of Individual Tools

8. Export Course Usage of Individual Tools

To export the list of course usage, click the Export as CSV button.
Export Course Usage of Individual Tools
This guide covered how to export the results in LTI Usage.